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Discover What Hydrogen Therapy Can Do For Your Body

“Because health doesn’t come in a Bottle”

What is Hydrogen Therapy?

Hydrogen is the smallest AND most abundant element that exists in the universe. It’s the lightest of all gases with no color and no odor. Molecular/Cellular hydrogen used for Hydrogen Therapy, or H2 is so small that the cells in your body can use it! What do your cells use hydrogen for?…The list might surprise you!

  • Fight free radicals

  • Protect your cells from oxidative stress

  • Energy metabolism

  • Improve sports injury recovery

  • Correct DNA damage

  • Fight auto-immune disease

  • Improve cognitive function

Schedule Free Consultation

Hydrogen and Hydrogen Therapy has applications for over 170 diseases and has numerous studies to back its effectiveness. You can read some of them here:

How We Started Using Hydrogen Therapy

Yadi has been using hydrogen for more than 10 years. He started with a Brown’s Gas machine that bubbled hydrogen in water. It took 20 minutes and he had to do it outside, but he liked the effects so much that he continued to use it. He wanted to find a way to give clients the same experience with hydrogen that he had, so he began looking for machines that could deliver quality hydrogen, but faster than 20 mins.

In 2016, there were wildfires in a nearby town that affected the air quality for the whole state of North Carolina. On a really bad air quality day, Joi suffered from a really bad episode of hypoxia. She knew something was wrong when she couldn’t keep her credit card in her hand while at the store in line to pay. She simply said to Yadi, “I don’t feel so good. I think we should go home”. That night Yadi bought their first hydrogen inhalation machine.

Because of Joi’s fast recovery, they both wanted to find machines that could deliver therapeutic benefits without costing a mere fortune! They tested all types of machines: small water generators with options for inhalation, countertop hydrogen infusers, machines that used sodium hydroxide, machines that didn’t require chemicals, machines made from various countries…they literally tried them all!

Then COVID-19 came!

Since Yadi and Joi work in alternative healthcare, many people from all over the world contacted them for help to recover from this new virus. The answer came from a man named Dr. Nanshan Zhong, China’s renowned respiratory disease expert (that blew the whistle on SARS) who told the whole world that hospitals were successfully using hydrogen inhalation on COVID 19 patients (You can see the video here). Since we already had extensive experience with hydrogen on ourselves and our clients, we knew that getting molecular hydrogen machines to as many people as possible was our next mission!