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Eastern Traditional Healing Arts Logo Yadi Alamin Joi Abraham Charlotte Acu Bodywork

The school for Non Invasive Acupuncture and Traditional Asian Medicine!

Learn the ROOTS of health and healing in 26 weeks online!

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If you’re in manual therapy, the job is high impact and you’re at risk of injury at all times.  You want to give your best to your clients.  You want their experience to be unique enough to come back, refer friends and give you back the value of your time, effort and compassion.

“We want to show you a NEW system that not only gets faster results with every patient:  Muscle releases, joint pain, range of motion, strength and relaxation in SECONDS, but ALSO improves your health with each session.”

“We want to show you how to improve your longevity as a therapist, the impact of your days and nights with clients, and get people so excited about your work that they send their co-workers, friends and family.”

Our proprietary system uses absolutely NO NEEDLES, so you can focus on applying the theories and techniques from the best of Traditional Asian Medicine and get better results in less time and for less money!

Meet the Creator and Instructor of Eastern Traditional Healing Arts

Yadi Alamin

“I’ve been in manual care for over 20 years, and am healthier at 48 than 24.”


Want to check it out? Enjoy a free class!

Eastern Tradition Healing Arts Curriculum

Traditional Chinese Medical Theory

8 weeks long course includes:
(From the NeiJing Classic of Internal Medicine)
Yin Yang Theory
5 Element Theory
12 Meridian Theory
Horary Clock
Xu Points
Mu Points
Source Points
Luo Points
Facial Assessment
Tongue Assessment
Spinal Microsystem
Hand Microsystem
Medical QiGong:
Six healing sounds,
Zhan Zhuang (standing meditation)
Ping Shuai Gong (swinging)
PaiDaGong (self acupoint tapping) and more

Taoist Medical Theory

8 weeks long course includes:
(From the teachings of Sun SiMiao)
Ge Hong,
Hua Tuo,
Shen Nong and more
Three Treasures: Jing, Qi and Shen QiJingBaMai: 8 Extraordinary vessels Sacred Turtle abdominal microsystem Shen Gong – Heart/Mind Therapy Emotional/Mental/Spiritual Integration I Ching Theory
Bagua QiGong
Circle Walking
Tao te Ching readings

Traditional Korean Medical Theory

8 weeks long course includes: 
Saam Do-In,
Lee Je-ma,
Bonghan Kim and more
4 Constitutions Theory
4 Point Technique (from 4CA or 4 Needle technique)
Hwa (Harmony) Theory and technique
Monk QiGong (Do-In)
Integrating the three systems

Eastern Tradition Healing Arts FAQ

How can we get results without breaking the skin (as in acupuncture)?

We use our hands, simple tools and some “high-tech” gadgets to “hack” the meridians and microsystems.

What is a Meridian?

Meridians are “channels”, or streams within the body, that cross over skin, lymphatic vessels, blood, muscles and organs.

What is a Microsystem?

Microsystems are “holograms” or “reflex maps” of the whole body on a single extremity, like: Ears, hands, abdomen, face, feet, scalp. Learn “Clinical QiGong” exercises to strengthen yourself for life, and to keep yourself strong in clinic.

When and where are classes held?

Classes are hosted on our site and are accessible anytime. We host monthly live Micro Intensive workshops on the last Saturday each month from 4-8pm in our clinic. This is an opportunity for students to get live feedback on their techniques.

Do you get a license?

We do not give licenses. However, we want to make sure that the students that study with us perform at a very high standard! If you are planning to practice outside North Carolina, please check the laws of your state.

How much is the course?

Tuition for our online 6 month, 104 hour course is $5200 (if paid in full). That’s less than the price of one semester at a private acupuncture school! Your tuition comes with many benefits:

Student discounts for bodywork sessions
Rentals of our Qigong DVDs and digital programs
Free Qigong classes
The opportunity to repeat the course as many times as you need!

Ask us about alternative payment structures.

Do I have to have experience in massage or body work?

Absolutely not! Our course is designed to benefit anyone that wants to learn effective natural healing methods. Whether you are a massage therapist or working a corporate job, the knowledge you gain from this course can be applied to your life!

Certification for Eastern Traditional Healing Arts ETHA

Two easy ways to join!

Pay in Full

  • Enjoy access to Live In Person Micro Intensive classes

  • Get access to All Qigong programs

  • 5-15% off products and services

  • ETHA Manual included

Pay Monthly

  • Automatic payment setup

  • Get access to All Qigong programs

  • ETHA manual included

  • Enjoy access to Live in Person Micro Intensive classes