
The Best Health Clinic You’ve NEVER Heard Of!

In front of Charlotte Acu Bodywork

What We Do!

We are a health clinic that uses one of the most effective natural health systems with proven results for more than 2000 years! That system is commonly called ‘acupuncture’.

But here’s the twist…

Our proprietary system uses absolutely NO NEEDLES!

Before you say…

Oh! It’s acupressure!

Oh! They use TENS!

Oh! It’s dry needling!

Just know…

It’s NONE of These!!!!


Our system uses Nikola Tesla based technology to mimic the same effects without having to use these…

No Needles at Charlotte Acu Bodywork!

We help people everyday with all kinds of health issues, acute and chronic!

  • Back Pain

  • Neck Pain

  • Shoulder Pain

  • Foot Pain

  • Headaches

  • Migraines

  • Sports Injuries

  • Spinal Problems

  • Tissue Regeneration and Repair

  • Head Injuries

  • Anxiety and Stress

  • Insomnia

  • Diabetes

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Arthritis

  • Women’s Health Issues

  • Men’s Health Issues

  • Autoimmune Conditions

How do we know it works?

Who we are….

Yadi and Joi at Charlotte Acu Bodywork

We are Yadi and Joi. We’ve run a health clinic in Charlotte with only word of mouth advertising for over 9 years! We created Charlotte Acu Bodywork to be the health clinic we wanted when we were sick! We’ve also created a school and written several books to teach our system.

You’ve Got To Get In Here!

Schedule Your Free Consultation!!
