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Girl jumping over hurdle Charlotte Acu Bodywork

If you want to keep it simple, health is about “energy”.

Energy is what your body uses to produce work…that’s the definition of energy:





The strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.


When you get hurt, your body “fixes” it.  When you get sick, your body goes to work…even when you sleep.


We only get ENERGY from two places:  Eating and sleeping.  The rest is probably genetics, environment and mental effort.


If you have pain, your body is burning 10X more energy to send the pain signal from your brain to where it hurts, and trying to repair the problem.  


If you have allergies, your body is producing phlegm, histamines, increasing blood circulation (redness) to the skin, and so forth.


At some point, we take medicine…we try prescriptions, OTCs, herbs, vitamins and foods…


GUESS WHAT?  All of those USE your energy to break down and absorb.  In fact, taking pills and potions does NOT give you more energy, it will always demand more energy from your system to process them.


So, we have some “hacks” for energy at Charlotte AcuBdoywork.



Life Sabre Device Charlotte Acu Bodywork

We created a whole system, based on master-level acupuncture, that uses “energy” to pass messages across your body at the speed of light/sound.


We add energy to your system from the outside, without using your own energy to break it down.


The results are:

*Deep relaxation 

*Improvements in your whole body

*Pain relief

*Improved healing time for nearly all conditions


It’s faster than a pill, and works everywhere from head to toe.


The medicine of the future is here now!


See you in clinic


Yadi and Joi



Book your next session! 

Joi Abraham

Author Joi Abraham

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